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Upcoming Events

Go Big Give

"Go Big GIVE brings Hall, Hamilton, Howard, and Merrick Counties together as one community, raising money and awareness for our local nonprofits during the 24-hour online giving day on May 4th. We inspire people to give generously to nonprofits making the heartland stronger, creating a thriving community for all." 


We will be partnering with Pig in a Bag food truck on May 4th! More details to come.

Join our mailing list!
What will you build?
Grand Island Area Habitat for Humanity Office

308.385.5510 (p)

502 West 2nd Street 

Grand Island, NE 68801

Hours: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:00 PM. Sometimes our work requires us to be out of the office.

Please call ahead.

Do you have questions or concerns?

We are committed to supporting a safe, ethical workplace and good stewardship of our donations, funds and resources. When an individual wishes to remain anonymous or when regular means of reporting concerns have not resolved an issue, the MySafeWorkplace® hotline can be used to communicate concerns to Habitat 24 hours a day.


MySafeWorkplace is an independent, third-party service that instantly forwards your confidential report to the appropriate Habitat contact for review and proper handling. For concerns of suspected illegal or unethical activity, please contact the MySafeWorkplace hotline via:


MySafeWorkplace website

Call toll-free at 1-800-461-9330

© 2020 Grand Island Area Habitat for Humanity. All rights reserved.

"Habitat for Humanity" is a registered trademark of Habitat for Humanity International


Serving Hall, Howard, Hamilton, and Merrick counties since 1992

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